Sunday, July 19, 2015

Through Death, Life is borne.

Media vita in morte sumus
"In the midst of life, we are in death." 
Through the death of a family member, another one shall be born. Zachary Thomas Bryant passed away only hours before his grandson graced the world with his presence. With his wife away on another business trip, and his daughter in childbirth, Zack died alone wishing his family could be beside him. Throughout life he held his chin high and treated everyone the way that he thought they deserved to be treated. Whether they actually deserved it or not was irrelevant. There was only a handful of people that the veil of confidence receded for, and that was family. His lovely daughter Skye, his wife Luna Shadow Bryant, and those close enough to him that he spoke of them as family. He was a family man at heart, though most only knew him as a condescending, judgemental asshole who pushed his beliefs and values onto others. 

Sebastian Orion Christopher Bryant was pushed into this world prematurely. His lungs weren't quite developed yet, and the medical witches and wizards at St. Mungo's spent nearly a week making sure that he continued receiving the nutrients that were required for a healthy development. After he had been taken away from his mother, Skye and the rest of the family were given the news that their father, husband, and friend had finally faded away. All of his belongings were bequeathed to his, at the time, unborn grandson. With the boy not of age yet, the items resided in the ownership of the mother until such time that the child reached maturity at the age of Seventeen.

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